Peter Margolis, MD, PhD, is the Cincinnati Children’s
Hospital and Medical Center Site Principal investigator for PEDSnet. He
is a Professor of Pediatrics and Co-Director of the James M. Anderson Center
for Health System Excellence at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center.
His work encompasses the application and study of quality improvement
methods in a broad range of areas including primary and sub-specialty care,
communities and public health settings to improve the health outcomes of
children, families and communities. He is principal investigator of an
National Institutes of Health Roadmap transformative research grant on
redesigning systems for chronic illness care, several AHRQ and PCORI grants
aimed at developing learning health systems, and the ImproveCareNow Network.
In addition, Dr. Margolis chairs the PCORnet Council. PCORnet is a
$300 million initiative of the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute
(PCORI). Its goal is to improve the nation’s capacity and efficiency in
conducting comparative effectiveness research – research that helps determine
what works best for patients with specific conditions.