CDC BMI Trajectories Analysis in PEDSnet


PEDSnet fulfilled a feasibility query in 2017 submitted by the CDC to assess availability of data to describe BMI trajectories of children. A major impetus for the request is a dearth of longitudinal BMI data that is current. The CDC has identified the following aims for an analysis it would like to publish, and is interested in co-authoring the manuscript with PEDSnet.

Specific Aims:

1. To describe patterns of longitudinal tracking of BMI over time, including methodology related to longitudinal correlation coefficients, biologically implausible values. 

2. To describe trends and disparities in weight status (healthy weight, overweight, obese and severely obese) annually and overall. 

Request of PEDSnet:

The CDC is requesting a dataset including the following data elements:

  1. Age in months at encounter
  2. Sex
  3. Race
  4. Ethnicity
  5. Height
  6. Weight
  7. Chronic condition indicator [as defined by the Pediatric Medical Complexity Algorithm (PMCA)]
  8. Private/public coverage indicator